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Why You Should be Using Beeswax Melts And How to Make Them Last

Why Beeswax Melts Making Them Last

Everyone loves the smell of a fragrant candle setting the mood in their home. Our sense of smell is one of the most powerful of our five senses. Yet there is always a risk anytime you have an open flame burning in your house. Which in itself is a great reason to switch to Beeswax Melts.

Smelling a fragrance can trigger emotions buried for years. Bringing back treasured memories. Sometimes provoking an irresistible range of feelings. But why Beeswax? Sure there are soy wax melts and even paraffin melts on the market, what makes beeswax so special you may ask?

So What Makes Beeswax so Special

First, let’s talk about the various waxes used to make wax melts from paraffin to soy, beeswax, and even blends. Of the different types, I would definitely suggest you avoid anything with paraffin in it! Yes, this may be an unpopular outlook to some, suggesting paraffin has a superior fragrance throw to it. However, the fragrance isn’t the only thing being thrown into the air you’re breathing. Paraffin is actually a nasty byproduct from the refinement of gas and oil. Where research has proven that toxic toluene and benzene can be released when paraffin is melted.

Proponents will often counter that soybeans are subjected to pesticides as they are grown. Bees also pollinating the flowers sprayed with the same toxins. While this is true, we are still comparing petroleum byproducts to non-toxic plant-based products. A comparison where I would most definitely lean toward the natural plant-based products.

So if it comes down to soy or beeswax which should you choose? Well here again Soy may have a slightly higher throw of fragrance than beeswax and if your sole desire is to cover an odor or to perfume a room I would go with the soy. However, if you enjoy a light fragrance with the possibility of inside air purification, then beeswax is what you’re looking for! Melting beeswax is said by many sources to give off negative ions. Which may have many benefits from helping purify indoor atmospheres to generally improving your mood.

How to Improve the Fragracne of a Room with Beeswax Melts

One complaint I hear from time to time is “Beeswax melts just don’t fill the room with fragrance.” Well, the fragrance is indeed more subtle. Still, if you can not detect the scent you may not be melting enough wax. I have a 700-square-foot store that continuously receives complements about how good the store smells.

To keep my store smelling good I use three wax warmers with between three and four wax blocks per warmer. Using them approximately 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. And I am greeted each morning as I open the shop with a lingering fragrance of the melts I use.

Now, this is where you are probably thinking, “using that many wax melts would be much too expensive to use in your home.” Well, there are some tricks to lower the cost and still keep your home smelling amazing.

Tricks to Beeswax Melts and Making them Last

If you do a search on the internet about making your wax melts last you are sure to see a multitude of articles on the subject. With most of them giving the same advice.

  • Heat the wax slowly
  • Melt multiple pieces rather than just one cube
  • Use a Timer
  • Avoid Natural Anosmia by changing up the scent
  • Clean the melting dish regularly

I’m sure you have seen all of or at least some of these before. However, I have another trick I use in my store regularly. To be honest, if I didn’t use this trick I would go through a fortune in wax just to keep my shop smelling good.

Why Beeswax Melts Making Them Last

Now, this is something you will not read in most blogs especially ones written by people that sell wax melts. But the simple act of melting the wax does not harm, affect, or evaporate the wax in any way. It can be reheated and remelted over and over without any problems. Of course, the essential oils or fragrance oils will be used up but the wax is fine.

This leads to my method of making a tray of wax melt lasts me up to a month. As I mentioned above there is no reason to change out the wax in your warmer every day. Instead, just add more fragrance oils. But this will require you to remove some wax.

When to Add More Fragrance to the Wax

Normally what I do is wait until I no longer smell the scent when I first walk into the shop. At this point, I will remove about 1/8 of the wax from the warming glass and discard it. Filling the void with fragrance oils, allowing the new oil to mingle with the wax as it melts that day. Only repeating this action when I no longer smell the scent when I first walk in.

This can be done several times before you actually have to change the wax. Over time the wax will become softer after each reloads until it will become a salve-type consistency. At this point, you have gotten the most out of your wax tarts and it would be best if you remove the old wax and clean your warming tray.

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